
  • Reminder! Chapter Reimbursements

    Hi All

    This is a friendly reminder from the Business Office that that all Chapter reimbursement requests must be submitted within 90 days of purchase or related travel/event.  Therefore all requests, receipts and approvals for expenses related to the National Convention should be submitted to the Business Office no later than December 13.

    Here are links to the RFP and Direct Deposit Authorization forms.

    Please note:

    • RFPs should be emailed to and include the volunteer’s name and address, request date and signature as well as all supporting documentation including itemized receipts, maps for mileage, and approvals.

    •  Account codes should be listed for each line item.

    • Line item amounts on RFP should match the amounts on the receipts or include a note detailing any discrepancies. (for example, a restaurant receipt which includes alcoholic beverages to be excluded from the total.

    • Please send all documents together in one email in pdf format if possible.

    • Travel expenses will be reimbursed at the rate of the most efficient means of travel (for example road trip mileage will be reimbursed only up to the cost of average airfare.)

    If you have questions or need any assistance please let us know.