
  • New Speaker Contracts Now Available!

    A new baseline contract for speaker/instructors, as well a new addendum for hotels/venues are now available in the Chapter Contracts and Workflow community library. The substance of the Speaker contract includes changes to:
    1. Speaker permissions: we’ve updated and clarified the language so that it is clear we are not taking the speaker’s materials but need to be able to display or make handouts of what they give us
    2. Calculating numbers of TAs: this confused several people so I’ve added some clarifying language
    3. NCBTMB-related provisions
      1. Certificates: clarified the speaker has to send them, not the chapter
      2. AP numbers: if speaker lists an AP number, they’re representing they have approval for that class and that they meet NCB’s requirements
      3. Payment: payment won’t be made until after certificates are received
    4. Other clarifying changes:  In pdf fillable form only